
Iran's Act Of War

The Democrats apparently support troops if you listen to them.

If you listen carefully, you will hear a qualifier:

We support the troops.
Mr. Bush you have no authority to go to war with Iran.
We support the troops.
The evidence that Iran has participated in the attacks on US Soldiers is not sufficent reason to go to war.
We support the troops.
We want to sit down to negotiations with Iran and ask them to help with the formation of Iraq.
We support the troops.

The horrific thing about the liberal logic is they don't see the contradiction. They don't see that their statements essentially say "We democrats support the troops unless they are killed through the actions of a foreign government acting directly against them. When that happens we just want to negotiate, ask the aggressor to join us, or better yet just pull out and go home."

Someone try to tell me that Amenijad doesn't think that when he watches our newscasts? Someone please tell me I am wrong. Please tell me the democrats are not this wrapped up in themselves and their hatred of Bush that they deny other perspectives?