
Hotel Gitmo, Sounds Like Las Vegas!

Humiliation by making the men wear a bra? That's torture?
Forcing detainees to wear a leash and do dog tricks? Have we got the vacation destination for TERRORISTS EVERYWHERE:

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  • While the amenities may be questionable the results speak for themselves: (article from Scotsman is linked in the title).

    ""As the bottom line, though, we found no torture. Detention and interrogation operations were safe, secure and humane," Schmidt said.

    The Pentagon identified the man as Mohammed al-Qahtani and said he ultimately provided "extremely valuable intelligence."

    Schmidt said, "He admitted to being the 20th hijacker, and he expected to fly on United Airlines Flight 93," which crashed in Pennsylvania."

    Democrats call this torture and liken it to Hitler's treatment of the Jews? I am quite sure there are places in Vegas where men pay to have that done to them!

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    Yeah Democrats, that's a real gulag that Bush has going down there. I think we should do an independent council investigation into tax dollars being spent on research trips to Las Vegas bordellos looking for torture techniques. Or maybe the military is still contracting out to-ahem-"private specialists in certain techniques"? Obviously a crack team of Democrats needs to head out to Vegas and see if any of the Domanatrix are on extended leave in Cuba. Wrangle and Kennedy will know who's missing I'm quite sure.

    This is pure sarcasm folks so don't tell me that bordellos aren't legal in Vegas but in surrounding counties or Domination isn't about sex or whatever. That is not the point I'm trying to make here.